PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating 2.5mm 2.7mm 3mm

This PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating is invented to replace natural marble or granite used for wall decoration.

It’s with big advantage 1/5 weight of natural marble and price 1/10 of natural marble.

The surface of panel could be laminated various designs PVC film or hot stamped various designs so it appears in many different looking.

The UV coating makes surface of the sheet in high gloss and scratch resistant reach 2H.


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Product Details

The surface of PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating will be laminated various designs PVC film or hot stamped various designs so

the surface can appear various designs.Then coating UV on the surface make PVC marble sheet surface is high glossy and scratch resistant which reach 2H.

Product name

High Glossy UV Board ; UV wall panel;PVC marble sheet;Marble Plastic sheet; 3D PVC wall panel


interior decoration for wall,ceiling


pvc rigid board+heat transfer print+uv coating+protection film

Regular specification

Standard size:1220mm x 2440mm   1200mm x 2400mm

Thickness: 2.3mm to 5mm


Marble grain, wood grain and 3D design



1) Flame retardant (B1 grade)

2) Water-proofing and moisture-proofing

3) against bugs, fungus and corrosion

4) It is glossy, wear-resistant, easy clean

5) The weight is only one fifth for the natural marble, and price is one tenth of the natural marble.


widely used in decoration of restaurant,hotel lobby,office building, supermarket,chain store,villa,bar,cafe,kitchen,washroom, airport,subway station etc.

structure of the PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating

UV marble sheet.JPG

Some design of the PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating

marble design PVC sheet .jpg

UV coating PVC marble sheet.jpg

UV coated PVC marble panel.jpg

wooden design PVC sheet.jpg

Application of the PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating

PVC marble sheet with high glossy UV coating.jpg

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